<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Here Cherokee and I are at our favorite store in Redding!! Rich is taking our photo, for posterity. Standing in front of MY Mercedes. (a classic 1981) that I bought for 1,500 dollars!! It was a really cool car, but like the other 6, or 7 cars that Rich has, (yes, still has), he has torn this one up, some how he always reduces cars to rubble!! He still has two yellow Cadillacs, a 1963 chevrolet Impala SuperSport, a 1972 silver and black Camaro, a yellow station wagon a yellow 1978 Camaro, and an old yellow Harvester International truck with a camper on the back!! (and), I sit here without an automobile!! What is wrong with this picture? You tell me! Yes, I guess I was stupid, in the break-up, left with only the computer!!

ANYWAY, most of the men in the Daniels family are car-oholics, oh yeah, I forgot that he has a 1977 or 1978 Cutlass Supreme!! I think it is sitting in the back yard of his father's old house in SanBernardino, CA. That is just TOO many cars for anybody, wouldn't you say? Cherokee and I did have fun shopping at Wal*Mart though. Then as usual, we went out to eat afterwards, to some place like HomeTown Buffet, which used to be one of MY favorite places to go eat when we were up in northern California. Here in southern California, HomeTown Buffet is still one of my favorites, but we also have alot of other fun places to go eat here. Like, NewYork Buffet, or Norm's, or RoadHouse, heck even IHOP and Denny's are a blast.

Of course, our very favorite NEW place to have a bite of food and alot of fun is, and will always be: PlushDesignLab and Cafe. at: 207 N. Harbor Boulevard Fullerton, CA. #92832 (Call for directions!! 714 738-5100, or check out their website: www.plushcafe.com ) What a place for a commercial, right? Hahahahaha.
sat down to play at 2:32 AM (3) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

You can almost see how I plastered the back of the kitchen cabinets with photos of the family. Once again we tried to fill this space with plants, and even a couple of trees! This was an upstairs place, so getting the furnishings up those stairs was a real experience. I couldn't even help, once I climbed up all those stairs,it was like 16 or 18, I know 'cause I counted them!! I collapsed, and didn't get up for hours, right there on the living room rug. Rich was back at the last place we had lived, (that was in Anderson, with our friend and an ex-co worker, Brianne Walls, and her two little boys, Ryder and Malachi), getting our room full of furniture. Rich had me drive one of his cars over and open the apartment and air it out while waiting for him and Randy, to bring the stuff in the moving truck. We also had a storage unit full of things we had stored there that wouldn't fit in our room at Bri's. Luckily for Rich, a good friend of ours, Nancy and her husband, Tom, both older than us, saw Rich loading the truck and offered to helped him, and Randy (a teenager we met at the group-home we worked at), bring up all the stuff, so they finished moving it all in one day!!! I felt so useless, but I was just TOO sick at that time to help. A couple of weeks later, Everybody!!! LaShane, Garth, and all of the kids, Kiara, Garth Jr., Jack, Samuel and Samantha. Ann and Geno, brought Cherokee and all of her stuff up so that she could move in with us and take care of me. She straightened out the apartment and put everything into proper order, 'cause before that it had just been chaotic, and un-attractively laid out. (By her Dad). Haha. By the time that we left and moved back to Riverside, we really missed our apartment up in Redding, 'cause it had finally started to feel like home!!! (Sob).
sat down to play at 2:16 AM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

This is Rich and I standing in front of the dining room in the Redding, California apartment, in front of a palm tree (very small palm tree), that a friend had given to us. Rich is a chess nut, (the game chess)?, and he had many many boards and chess sets, there are a few on the wall as decorations! The kitchen was maybe a foot or so bigger than the one here in Riverside! None of the apartments give you much room in the kitchen!! I still did some of the cooking here, it was like back in 2000 and 2001, and we, (Cherokee and I) were baby-sitting for two little boys named Seth and Brad, they were both so cute, and so different. I really hated to leave this place, I loved it up in northern California, we had the Sacramento River running all through the city, and we could go to the park and see people out in their boats, and fishing, or swimming, or water skiing. There was always so much to do. They had some cool stores up there too, of course there was Wal*Mart also, but we just HAD to come back, so no use crying over spilt milk, right?
sat down to play at 2:08 AM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

This is a photo of our livingroom in our apartment when we lived in northern California, (Redding). Cherokee changed the furniture in this apartment also when she came up to stay with me and her Dad, Richard, I don't think that he liked her taking over the way that she did, 'cause he didn't stay around alot back then!!! He walked in, looked around, and walked back out!! She made it look so much better than the way he had it. I had no say in the way that the furniture was situated, because I was very un-well and I spent most of my time in bed at this time. Even though, I must admit, I have never had much talent when it comes to re-arranging furniture and decorating places, in fact however a place looks when I move in, is fine with me. I do like to fill up the wall and the refrigerator surface, with family photos and artwork, but other than that, I am lost!! I did always buy lots of sheets, covers, comforters, and towels and stuff like that, but that is just because I never thought that you could have enough of them in the house, in case family or friends came up to stay for awhile. When Cherokee and I left Redding, we left lots of household items for her Dad, and so we started over when we moved here. That was, and still is fun, 'cause both of us love to shop, and we would rather shop for plants, household items, and clothes, than to eat!! We would both like to get alot more income so that we could buy more items for our cute place, here.
sat down to play at 1:44 AM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

This is the corner of our apartment over the futon, most of the accents in our place are Asian, that is just the favorite look for both Cherokee and I. Once again the wind-hangings were given to Cherokee by her cousin Michelle, who knows that she loves this type of decor. The photos are in black and white and goes very well with everything else in the room, they have been lowered a bit since the plants did obscure viewing them. Below the photos is a bookcase that holds video tapes, and there is a twin to it on the other side of the air conditioner which sits under the window. I don't know if we have a photo of that, but I will look for one in our shared photo folder, and post that also. As you can probably guess we watch alot of HGTV, which is full of shows on fixing up your house. We have seen some great ideas that seem fairly easy and simple to duplicate, and one of Cherokee's favorite things is TOOLS!! She is a very handy and capable woman. We don't need no "stinking" man to do our carpentry work!!! (No no, just kidding, if you'd like to help us, just say so)!!! We really appreciate helpful guys, and think that they are all necessary in their own way. hehe.
sat down to play at 1:27 AM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Sunday, April 24, 2005

This is our "kitc", it isn't big enough to call it a kitchen!!! Only one cook at a time, which is fine with me, 'cause I don't cook, anymore. Cherokee is so much better at it than I ever was! Oh, don't get me wrong, I used to "cook", when I did cook, but she really can "COOK", if you get what I mean. If the phrase "the way to a man's heart, is through his stomach", is true? Once any man tasted her cooking, he would definitely be hers for life!! I am so glad that she is my daughter!! We don't eat regular meals often, (by choice, we love junk food too much), but when we do? They are fantastically delicious!! Kudos to Cherokee! Cook Extraordinaire, and so beautiful to boot. I think that this day we had Tacos, one of my very favorite meals. She also makes some of the best Macaroni and Cheese IN THE WORLD, and I ain't talking Velveeta melted over pasta, or Kraft Mac and Cheese. I mean the REAL DEAL, with white sauce, sharp cheddar, and elbow macaroni al dente! Make you wanta slap yo' Grandma!!! It's that good. (Smile). (Please scroll down to see the other photos of our little corner of the world)?
sat down to play at 10:07 PM (1) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

This is another angle of our apartment, over the futon in what we lovingly refer to as the "living room". This picture is another piece of artwork done by my son Geno, while he was in his "starving artist" phase. Of course I would never have let him starve!! He was working as a graphic artist at this time, and we all have huge art pieces that he did during this time. Once he even displayed his artwork at his cafe, (www.plushcafe.com) in Fullerton, CA., but he failed to mention to anyone that the fantastic artist was himself!!! Of course, we, his family, delighted in offering up that piece of information whenever we happened to be in the place. This picture is titled, "Decadence on it's way to the Sea", I don't know who named it, probably me!! (hehe). If you'll notice, that is a hand leading the elephants, one of Geno's trademarks, in almost all of his artwork, was his own hand incorporated into the scene. He's very clever, and a wonderful artist also.
sat down to play at 9:55 PM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

Here is another view of the apartment, I am there on the computer while Cherokee is taking photos. Odds are I am here on my blog, posting. Since this photo was taken, she has taken down the artwork over the dining room table, (her own creation, all of my children are very artistic), and put up instead a huge asian fan. It's beautiful, her cousin Michelle bought it for her, two in fact, I have one on the wall in my bedroom! They were too big to add both over the tiny dining room table. As of right now, this piece was transformed into a collage of family photos, and hangs on the small wall opposite the dining room, (can I call that tiny space that)? (Yes, I can) table. The picture in the photo was another one painted by my son, Geno, who is a very talented artist. I call it, "Landscape, a study in Grey". Very poetic. Yes? We have many many large plants in the apartment. Palms, and Elephant Ears, and hanging vines. We both love the "jungle look" and can't get enough greenery to satisfy us! Soon we will have to hire a guide to show us the way to the bathroom!!! (hehe).
sat down to play at 9:39 PM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke

Our apartment after Cherokee added a black curtain behind the Media Stand. Along with the red and vanilla wicker baskets on the shelves. More plants were stationed on the upper shelves, and added the perfect touch there. I love the look, and the picture on the television is more defined now also. Just a few days after this photo was taken, she completely covered the wall behind the T.V. stand, by putting the same black material over the door to my bedroom and the small space between my door and the small side closet door. It doesn't seem like much room there, but it made all of the difference in the world, completeing the look that way! Those spots of red, vanilla, green and even the burgandy in the room gives it an elegant look. Cherokee has DVDs, CDs and VHS tapes that go on forever!!!!! She doesn't have room for ALL of them, and some are in a rack in my bedroom near my T.V. stand. I only have a couple of DVDs myself. Old movies like "The White Warrior" with Steve Reeves, (he was sooooo gorgeous), you might have seen him in an old Hercules movie? I even have one DVD of "Annie Oakley, (remember Tag and Lofty)? "Bat Masterson", (played by the ever suave Gene Berry), and "The Cisco Kid", (played by Duncan Reynaldo), with his side-kick, "Pancho". Who was all ways yelling, "Hey Cisco, wait for me". Ahhhh, the good ole days. That's about it for me, and DVDs. I only have a few CDs also. Maxwell being my favorite of all. I like Kevin Sandbloom also. Then there are a couple of Carlos Whittaker, and one of Moi. We have just about every style of music covered. I look around and I think, "we NEED to move to get more room"!!!!!!! Just kidding, we love this apartment. We are so close to everything that we need. Like, Wal*Mart!
sat down to play at 9:33 PM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Saturday, April 23, 2005

I am an "older" woman. Even though I've lived through lots of fashion changes, I still enjoy seeing new fashion trends and cutesy-quirky accessory items come out. I want to admit right here, that I love Wal*Mart! It isn't the only place I shop, but it is the most frequent store I shop. A friend recently posted about her bad experiences at Wal*Mart, and I commiserate with her. I am a plus sized lady, and you know some of the items that are available to us are laughable, and even sometimes makes you want to cry!

Are we not still women? Don't we still want to "look our best" for the men in our lives, or just to the outside world in general? Y E S!!! Of course we do. Another thing, just like the size negative 0 girls and those cuties up to size 8, we want to pay less for our favorites!! (I say size eight, because someone that is totally crazy has called size 10 a PLUS size)! I ask you, in what universe? No, don't even say "Hollywood", 'cause those ladies are struggling under that misconception themselves, someone ELSE tells them that a size 10 is a plus-size, and they simply believe it!!

Honey, size 10 is NOT a plus size!! I wouldn't say what is, 'cause most of the average women you see walking around every day are a bit bigger than a size 10, and they still look really nice. All that stuff is in the head of some jealous, probably homosexual, clothes designer. Who wishes he WAS a woman, and since he can't be, he denigrates those that are. It's like Xtina says, "We are beautiful, no matter WHAT they say"......., You go Miss. Aguilera, with your pretty (tiny) self!!!!

I go to Wal*Mart, though, and I see alot of cute clothes, for my size, the only thing that stops me from getting all of them, is my lack of large income!!! One thing I do splurge on is underwear!! The outer-wear, is mostly jeans, (blue and black sometimes tan (khaki), and that's it for colors), and cute blouses, or T-shirts. Oh, I've worn a camisole or two, (out), and gotten compliments, so there. Yet, I usually wear an over-shirt, mostly see-through, with them, I'm still too modest to wear them alone. (Smile).

I scan all the fashion magazines, looking at trends. Then also, me and the girls, Cherokee, Michelle and Charlene, go looking in a lot of shops, Michelle is a total clothes-horse. She has more clothes than the rest of us put together!!! We've found some great looking pieces, at Wal*Mart, Target, and various other small shops with names like, "One price clothing Store", " Suzy's Deals", et'c. You don't always have to go to the speciality shops like Roamans or Lane Bryant, or "Fat-girls only", but on the other hand, my daughter-in-law, Ann (who is by NO means, plus-sized)!!!!, seems to find some great deals at Lane Bryant!! When I say, great deals, I am talking about clothing items priced at $70.00 and up, for well under $20.00. That is a shopping young lady!

She has like an academy award in sniffing out clothing and shoe bargains, and only at the better class stores too, how I admire her that talent. Oh, I benefit often, she gets me things, don't you love it when people pamper you? I totally do!!! *(By the way, I am a perfume ADDICT also! I don't mean the knock-offs you get at the 99cents stores either. I love the real deal, and I have over 50 online discount perfume sites on my favorites list. I really love Musk, and the Vanilla scents, Jasmine is devine oh, don't even get me started. To me, smelling good is right up there with looking good. Never use colognes or perfumes unless you bathe or shower first girls (you guys too)!! You'll only offend LOTS of people by this practice, believe me, I've smelled it, and Uggghh!! It hides nothing, and is Not nice)*.

It's all part of being a W O M A N. Whether you're plus-sized, or under-sized, if you are comfortable and satisfied with how you look and feel? Brava!! If not, do something about it, like my daughter and I have done, try this, stop eating bread!! It has really helped!! Since January of this year, we are both fitting better in all of our clothes. I, for one, don't miss bread that much, I love it, but I am fighting a chronic illness, so giving up bread, was a health decision for me.

I am toying with the idea of giving up pasta, and maybe rice. Not the G R I T S though, never the grits. I crave Grits. I just have to eat smaller portions of them, and go longer in between times, use grits as a treat instead of everyday fare. That would be a good thing to do with bread, or cake, or my own personal weakness, cookies. Only as a treat, and only once in a great while. We don't usually keep that stuff on hand, since it is only Cherokee and I, in the apartment, we just make it a conscious effort not to buy the stuff we know we'll binge on. Cherokee makes some throughly mouth watering cookies too, so now, we only have them every few months, to keep from gorging.
Whatever your plans. I say "good luck, and GOD bless", to you. Amen. Love yourself, and treat yourself with respect! Smooches.
sat down to play at 6:24 PM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Friday, April 22, 2005

Harold Angel
Angel Heart as a movie was a long time in coming. Evolved from a best selling book "Fallen Angel" by William Horjortsberg, it went through many re-writes, and almost as many possible producers. Later the locations, where the action actually took place, were changed, from New York to Louisiana, and the screen-writer that finally pulled it all together, Alan Parker, had the perfect idea as to exactly how it should be played out. Luckily for us, this long journey from book, through various screenwriters, to film, gave time for Mickey Rourke and Robert DeNiro to be chosen to play the lead characters, Harold Angel, and Louis Cypher. Which made the movie what it is, a true masterpiece, and an unforgettable film.

Robert DeNiro, being chosen to play the enigmatic and thoroughly creepy character Louis Cypher, was one of the best choices ever made in the cinematic realm for a movie of this genre. Also, the action sequences in Angel Heart actually "grew". It could easily be compared to the beginning of a love affair. It had hints of a heartbeat stirring continuously, which proceeds through the storyline and builds up momentum. With the film building forbidden passion between the two characters, it almost makes for a painful "waiting-period" before the deep-kissing, moon-eyed looks ritual, and some heightened foreplay erupts. The heart-thudding anxiety at long last, crescendos into the deliciously cascading release of the explosive ending! Scary, and yet thoroughly pleasurable, stuff indeed. Hey, with both Mickey and Robert to look at, and watch, who could help but feel it?

The subject matter was quite unusual. Witchcraft, devil worship, occult practices, these subjects are not your everyday fare, in most movies. There was a huge possibility for this film to be reduced to nothing more than a mish-mash of comedic portrayals. Yet, due to the sincere and far above average, talent of actors who played each of the main characters , this film was so totally believable, it was nearly a documentary into the very dark world of the arcane. These feelings come, because of the subtlety with which the cast and also the director, approached the core story developement, of what was truly going on throughout the movie.

A very sinister and mysterious client, Louis Cypher hires an obscure private detective, Harold Angel, to find a missing person, named Johnny Favorite for him. Ah, the play on words here is a delicious combination of later revealed clues. Harry Angel is all the while lead like "a sheep to the slaughter", by Cypher. DeNiro let me say, was perfect in this role, so suave yet so slimy, at the same time. Though he didn't elicit any feelings of terror from those he encountered, he was still so powerfully EVIL, it emanated from his very gaze. Although I totally knew he was only an actor playing a part, when the camera rested upon his face, it made me gasp.

Mickey Rourke was totally gorgeous, and breathtaking as the confident, and cocky private eye, and yet in some ways, remarkably "childlike", especially in his repeated inability to correctly pronounce the simple name, "Cypher". Rourke was also funny and very appealing in his aversion to the chickens, which seemed to always be loitering where-ever he found himself. His attitude of horror was perfect when he realized who and what he really was.

I saw no acting there, only being. The first time I saw Angel Heart, I had no idea who was responsible for the deaths of the people that had known Johnny Favorite. I didn't know who was bumping them off as Harry got in touch with them. The actuality was much more intriguing, and horrific, in a sense that it could possibly actually happen. Well you never know. This movie doesn't get "old" in time. The other actors added to the overall appreciation of the movie. Lisa Bonet, was so appealing, innocent looking, while still being highly sensual, in her role as the young voodoo priestess/single mother, with some interesting and mysterious connections to Harry.
Charlotte Rampling fits the character of the socialite, deeply involved in the occult, Margaret Krusemark, like a satin glove. To be honest, I don't see how any other actors, in any of the roles here-in, would have made AngelHeart any more enjoyable. So, since 1987, I continue to watch it again, and again.
This character synopsis was written by Pamela Daniels feedback is greatly appreciated.

Visit this site: http://www.geocities.com/mickeyrourkeonline
sat down to play at 10:07 PM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Sunday, April 17, 2005

When I first started posting on this blog site, I was so consistant. I would blog everyday, and I joined bloggercrowd, and blogclicker!! I was like a kid with a new toy! I stopped going to my other groups, and stopped posting on them altogether, it was like love. When it's new, it takes up all of your time, nothing else seems important.

Now, it is fading. It isn't like I am tired of blogger.com, it is just that I have gone back to other things that I have found, actually some of them while I was surfing blogs on this site, that are interesting to me.

This computer world is just so fascinating to me!! It is because no matter how many sites you find, there are thousands more that you would have never found, unless someone else told you, or posted the sites on their own blog. So, I just want to say, "THANK YOU", to so many of you bloggers, for opening up some very exciting, and interesting sites to me!

When I first got my computer, I had never had a class, never really been introduced to the internet, at all. I was abit afraid of doing something that might crash my computer, or make some mistake that might not be able to correct. Now, it's been over three years, and even though I still have alot to learn, I feel more comfortable about this world. I am able to take more chances, and try things (like setting up this blog), on my own.

When they named it the world wide web, it was so apt. I have written to people living in Africa, France, and some of the Arab countries, and even Israel, and made friends that are still my pen-pals to this day. I have exchanged recipes with cooks in Singapore, and Thailand, and in Spain, on a one time only basis. And I have learned what school kids do in class in parts of Great Brittain, and where club kids go to party in Italy, and Japan.

I just love learning all these things. These blogs are so much fun!! The links are worth a million bucks to people who love learning about other cultures. You can either make your self known, by posting on their sites, or just be a casual observer, I've done both on occasion. Some of the sites compell you to post, others don't. You just read what you will, and move on. Yesterday, my daughter, Cherokee got a tour book from North Carolina, (a eastern part of theUSofA), a place that I know little about.

Inside were over 180 pages of tourist attractions listed, and nearly everyone of them had their own website!!! I'm not talking only one website per page, either, I mean hundreds of websites per page! You could spend months looking up all of the websites, and that is just one state. I looked up a few, and it was fun, informative, and eye opening for me. I've started using "google", and "alta vista", and "ask Jeeves", alot more too. 'Cause some paragraph would mention a name, or an historic figure, that I'd never heard of, so I'd open up a new page and go and find out what he, or she had to do with the forming of that state. Or just for the want of knowing if they were listed. Google yourself, you may be there too!!

Now, that is F U N. (For me, at least). Probably for more people than I would ever imagine, also. Reading blogs has shown me, that no matter where people are from, we're all more alike, than we are different!! Regardless of culture, race, or gender. We're all uniquely HUMAN.
sat down to play at 8:35 PM (1) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Well, I haven't been here for awhile, and I have to admit, things are so slow that when I try to think of witty posts to come up with, nothing comes to mind! This is rare for me, 'cause I am the type of person that can just talk and talk about anything and everything. Today, and I do mean it is the dawning of a new day, 1:37 AM., and here I am sitting at my computer eating popcorn, drinking a cool drink, (tea), 'cause it is so hot in the apartment, and staring at this blank screen.

What I'd really like to do is to read something about prophecy, yeah, biblical prophecies, not some palm reader trying to tell someone's future, but what sayeth the LORD. I slightly remember reading somewhere that the Pope that just died, was going to be the last pope in office. The reason for that would be, that the beginning of the end (of life as we know and live it) would already be started, and the anti-christ would have already begun to make his way up in the political arena.
I find that interesting, but it is just like I remember reading that Herbert W. Armstrong, (the leader of the Philadelphia Church of CHRIST), said that he had been promised (by whom, I don't know), that he would still be alive when JESUS returned. Unless that happened while we all weren't looking, I think he mis-heard that promise! His followers are still loyal though, putting out that magazine, "The Trumpet". I have read a few of it's issues too.

There must be some prophets somewhere, there must be some activity (besides all the signs in the earth and the seas), going on somewhere. Is the anti-christ in college, forming his agenda right now? Some charismatic young adult, that is filled with big plans on how to bring peace to the world, and the backers to help him obtain his goals? What event will come to pass to show his real persona? Will it be a death of a loved one? Or some catastrophic occurance that will affect him in such a way as to bring out the "devil" in him?

Maybe I've been reading too many books, like that "Left Behind" series? Those authors are supposed to have a pretty good understanding of scriptures. I've heard too many arguments pro and con for and against, the rapture before the great trials on earth, during the great trials on earth, and after the great trials on earth, not to be unsure if it will happen at all. Of course, I read the Bible itself. Now, that sounds like we'll all be going through some heavy duty trials, and that if GOD doesn't shorten the days, nothing would survive. I personally think that we are at the open door of this time.

People who don't believe, I don't understand. I once knew a woman who said, "When you die, that's it, there is nothing after that, you just cease to exist". People who believe that way, can do anything, (good or bad), because they don't believe that there will be any consequences for their actions. This spurs them on to either be famous, or infamous during their lifetime, so that they will be recognised by humanity. It usually doesn't matter whether they are a big frog in a little pond, or a bigger frog in a huge pond, as long as they have some notariety among their peers, they can be happy.

Believers go for the gold, true believers that is. They are the ones that fight the great battles, and jump into the arenas of world events, to try and make the world a better place for man as a whole. I pray that GOD blesses them alot too. I stand in awe of people like those, the ones that put the plight of millions far above their own comfort. I can really only name one other next to JESUS, and that would be Mother Teresa, of India. Reading about her has made me cry, and I pray that she will be one of the saints that I meet in heaven.

Yes, I say that I meet. I have a theory, and it is my own, I've never heard it anywhere else, because I pieced it together from my own bible readings, and it is the hope that I cling to in this life, being a mere human being, and not a warrior for CHRIST, yet never denying HIM either. Many scriptures say things like, just believing in the sacrifice that JESUS made for you on the cross and voicing it as you own, will save you. Declaring that you need a SAVIOR, and accepting HIM as your SAVIOR, and living a sin-free life, as much as it is possible for you, will save you. I like that, and I try to live like that, too.

Asking for forgiveness for all things you've done, and forgiving others, no matter what they've done to you also goes a long way with the MAN upstairs. After all, HIS name is LOVE. HE looks on the heart of each individual, and judges us on that. HE knows that we are just dust, and HE knows what opposition we have against us in this world, it will count alot if we always choose to do what is right, and teach others this same principal. Live to help others, and not hinder anyone with bad advice, or by being a bad role model in any situation you're involved in.

Have faith in GOD, that is so important, never give up when you think that something is right, don't be lead astray, to do the wrong thing, small or large things, when you know that there is a right way for the thing to be done. Don't forget to be joyful, happy with what ever you have. If you can do honest work to get more, do it. Always share though, never think you deserve more, just because others have more. Life is just what it is. Uncertain and unsure. Trust in HIM.
Be content. That's my theory. We'll get to heaven not by making a huge show of our spirituality, but by living it.

Though I'm not a member of the Philadelphia Church of GOD in any way, I think that their magazine is very interesting and up to date. If you'd like to look into their beliefs go to:
sat down to play at 1:37 AM (0) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Monday, April 04, 2005

A Fellow blogger told me that he was into Reiki, and I had never heard of it before, but lo and behold, I googled it, and this is what I found. I am going to post this information, not only for those of you that may have never heard of it, as I was once guilty of, but for those of you that want something different, now this is a direct copy, so it may have some weird symbols interwoven through the message? I don't know, but one message that I copied and put directly on my blog, magically grew some strange symbols on it, and I didn't notice it for the two or three days that I didn't go on my blog!!! So, if it does have them, please forgive me and ignore them, Okay? Thanks!!

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sat down to play at 10:24 PM (3) comments

<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Saturday, April 02, 2005

"God’s voice is often “still, small”; we have to strain to hear it. This isn’t one of those times. These days God seems to be shouting. But like the garbled command from a field general to his troops in battle, we know the message is vital but it is hard to decipher. We are left to figure it out.In Florida we’ve seen an already deeply damaged woman waste away amidst anger, contempt, bitterness, and most every other ill trait of human nature. Even now, like insatiable vultures, the opponents battle over a body, a memory, a sympathetic place in our hearts. In Rome we've watched Pope John Paul II finishing what Paul the Apostle called the "race" following Jesus of Nazareth".

This was just an excerpt from an article by David Kuo on http://www.beliefnet.com/ . To finish the article, I would admonish you to go there and read the article yourself. I think that this is just as newsworthy as any other "celebrity news" that passes for human interest stories now a days. Not being catholic, I didn't really know much about the Pope. I do know that he was born Karol Wojtyla, in Poland. I've heard that he was a "good man". He was much loved also, by hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
When you think about it, it's only right that he should get as much air time as Michael Jackson, more even!! ( yet, why we hear so much about Mr. Jackson, is still a surprise to me). Like, I've said so often before, WHAT is our obsession with celebrities all about? Right before I would turn the channel from the news, I would see people waiting outside of the courthouse, waiting for JUST A GLIMPSE of Mr. Jackson, some even crying, when he did show up!! I just don't get it. Oh, well. I think that I missed getting that "prone to obsessions, gene," when I was born. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE some celebs, I just don't obsess over any of them.
This may sound weird to some of you people now a days. I don't buy much music, (cds), and I don't buy many DVDs, if someone asks me for something like that, for say a birthday gift, or even a christmas gift? Mainly my grandchildren, or sometimes my own children, and/or their spouses? I will spend a few dollars for a favorite cd, or DVD, but for myself? No. I got a cd of music by the artist, Maxwell. This was a gift, to me from my niece, Janeen, a couple of years ago, (well maybe four or five years ago), and it is the same one I listen to now, and about the ONLY one I listen to over and over!! My daughter Cherokee, loves cds and dvds, so when ever one comes out that she likes the singer, or loved the movie, she buys.
Yeah, I watch them, or listen to them with her. One thing that I can say for her though, is that when she gets paid, the FIRST thing that Cherokee does is "tithe". She is faithful about that. Not to brag, but I tithe also, but after that, I just cannot see giving my money to these people that I hear about, on the tv. Not in a good way usually either! Not all of them of course, but the ones I do hear, or see negative things about, really don't get my few pennies!!!
Over at Plush, (my darlings), Geno and Ann's cafe, in Fullerton, CA., we heard a new music artist called, Sandbloom. I think it was, and he was relatively unknown. Now him? I bought a cd from. He was selling them himself, out of the trunk of his car. Hey, the guy was enterprising, and he was also very GOOD! That was $15.00 well spent. Then, I gave the cd away. I also have one cd of Carlos Whitaker's Band*, and one of MOI, both of whom I heard at the church I attend, http://www.sandalschurch.com/ and I love both of those groups, alot.
These are just the people I chose to support, the other singers or even actors, making millions on the rest of the people who buy their music, or films, don't need my few dollars. I feel, to each his/her own. Live and let live. Do What you like. Now people like John Paul II, while they are there at the top, they live like kings. They have the best of the best. Hopefully, they worked for the good of mankind, while they served in office. I cannot bring myself to say, "served GOD", 'cause, I don't know who they served. In reality, who really knows what goes on behind closed doors?
Popes, kings, emperors, czars, queens, presidents, potentates around the world, the whole lot of them, history has always shown that they lived to comfort themselves. First and foremost. Even those we thought we knew and loved, when the real (at least what we think is the real) stories of their lives come to light. There is no "hero" behind the lot of any of them. No role models, no one to look up to. Maybe Mother Theresa, I never heard anything behind her service to humanity, no hidden agenda. I, for one, pray that that legacy holds fast. Through-out time, and discovery.
Only one, in my estimation, deserves true loyalty, love, honor, and dedication. That is JESUS. Regardless of the bad press, and the denials of HIS diety, and the non-delief that HE even existed, I cannot believe that HE didn't. That HE wasn't WHO HE claimed to be, that HE didn't do more for the human race than any other MAN that walked on this earth. As far as I am concerned, JESUS is the ultimate of the utmost, and deserves all the praise, honor and glory each of us has and are willing to give, (amen), and if Pope John II was the man he is presented to be by those that knew him, then I believe he has, and will receive his due. No doubt about it. Amen.

*http://www.carloswhittakerband.com/ <.http://www.moimusic.org/>.

sat down to play at 11:52 PM (0) comments


name: Pamela

age: 57

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