Wednesday, April 27, 2005

You can almost see how I plastered the back of the kitchen cabinets with photos of the family. Once again we tried to fill this space with plants, and even a couple of trees! This was an upstairs place, so getting the furnishings up those stairs was a real experience. I couldn't even help, once I climbed up all those stairs,it was like 16 or 18, I know 'cause I counted them!! I collapsed, and didn't get up for hours, right there on the living room rug. Rich was back at the last place we had lived, (that was in Anderson, with our friend and an ex-co worker, Brianne Walls, and her two little boys, Ryder and Malachi), getting our room full of furniture. Rich had me drive one of his cars over and open the apartment and air it out while waiting for him and Randy, to bring the stuff in the moving truck. We also had a storage unit full of things we had stored there that wouldn't fit in our room at Bri's. Luckily for Rich, a good friend of ours, Nancy and her husband, Tom, both older than us, saw Rich loading the truck and offered to helped him, and Randy (a teenager we met at the group-home we worked at), bring up all the stuff, so they finished moving it all in one day!!! I felt so useless, but I was just TOO sick at that time to help. A couple of weeks later, Everybody!!! LaShane, Garth, and all of the kids, Kiara, Garth Jr., Jack, Samuel and Samantha. Ann and Geno, brought Cherokee and all of her stuff up so that she could move in with us and take care of me. She straightened out the apartment and put everything into proper order, 'cause before that it had just been chaotic, and un-attractively laid out. (By her Dad). Haha. By the time that we left and moved back to Riverside, we really missed our apartment up in Redding, 'cause it had finally started to feel like home!!! (Sob).
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 2:16 AM
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