<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Sunday, April 17, 2005

When I first started posting on this blog site, I was so consistant. I would blog everyday, and I joined bloggercrowd, and blogclicker!! I was like a kid with a new toy! I stopped going to my other groups, and stopped posting on them altogether, it was like love. When it's new, it takes up all of your time, nothing else seems important.

Now, it is fading. It isn't like I am tired of blogger.com, it is just that I have gone back to other things that I have found, actually some of them while I was surfing blogs on this site, that are interesting to me.

This computer world is just so fascinating to me!! It is because no matter how many sites you find, there are thousands more that you would have never found, unless someone else told you, or posted the sites on their own blog. So, I just want to say, "THANK YOU", to so many of you bloggers, for opening up some very exciting, and interesting sites to me!

When I first got my computer, I had never had a class, never really been introduced to the internet, at all. I was abit afraid of doing something that might crash my computer, or make some mistake that might not be able to correct. Now, it's been over three years, and even though I still have alot to learn, I feel more comfortable about this world. I am able to take more chances, and try things (like setting up this blog), on my own.

When they named it the world wide web, it was so apt. I have written to people living in Africa, France, and some of the Arab countries, and even Israel, and made friends that are still my pen-pals to this day. I have exchanged recipes with cooks in Singapore, and Thailand, and in Spain, on a one time only basis. And I have learned what school kids do in class in parts of Great Brittain, and where club kids go to party in Italy, and Japan.

I just love learning all these things. These blogs are so much fun!! The links are worth a million bucks to people who love learning about other cultures. You can either make your self known, by posting on their sites, or just be a casual observer, I've done both on occasion. Some of the sites compell you to post, others don't. You just read what you will, and move on. Yesterday, my daughter, Cherokee got a tour book from North Carolina, (a eastern part of theUSofA), a place that I know little about.

Inside were over 180 pages of tourist attractions listed, and nearly everyone of them had their own website!!! I'm not talking only one website per page, either, I mean hundreds of websites per page! You could spend months looking up all of the websites, and that is just one state. I looked up a few, and it was fun, informative, and eye opening for me. I've started using "google", and "alta vista", and "ask Jeeves", alot more too. 'Cause some paragraph would mention a name, or an historic figure, that I'd never heard of, so I'd open up a new page and go and find out what he, or she had to do with the forming of that state. Or just for the want of knowing if they were listed. Google yourself, you may be there too!!

Now, that is F U N. (For me, at least). Probably for more people than I would ever imagine, also. Reading blogs has shown me, that no matter where people are from, we're all more alike, than we are different!! Regardless of culture, race, or gender. We're all uniquely HUMAN.
sat down to play at 8:35 PM


hehe, I know that feeling.. I was also used to post everyday (as long as possible).. but now, as you can see in my blog I have a rate of once a week (lame)
Still, it's true that you can find many interesting pages thanks to other's blogs / pages / sites..

By Blogger Shadow Walker, at 8:08 PM  

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name: Pamela

age: 57

profile: 6071684

comments: SPEAK TO ME

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