Sunday, April 24, 2005

This is our "kitc", it isn't big enough to call it a kitchen!!! Only one cook at a time, which is fine with me, 'cause I don't cook, anymore. Cherokee is so much better at it than I ever was! Oh, don't get me wrong, I used to "cook", when I did cook, but she really can "COOK", if you get what I mean. If the phrase "the way to a man's heart, is through his stomach", is true? Once any man tasted her cooking, he would definitely be hers for life!! I am so glad that she is my daughter!! We don't eat regular meals often, (by choice, we love junk food too much), but when we do? They are fantastically delicious!! Kudos to Cherokee! Cook Extraordinaire, and so beautiful to boot. I think that this day we had Tacos, one of my very favorite meals. She also makes some of the best Macaroni and Cheese IN THE WORLD, and I ain't talking Velveeta melted over pasta, or Kraft Mac and Cheese. I mean the REAL DEAL, with white sauce, sharp cheddar, and elbow macaroni al dente! Make you wanta slap yo' Grandma!!! It's that good. (Smile). (Please scroll down to see the other photos of our little corner of the world)?
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 10:07 PM
Hey, I saw all of your pics.. and I liked it, now I feel as if I knew you much more.. wish I had a digital camera..
Well, just one thing bothered me.. why everytime I pass the mouse over a pic it appears a flash (or something like that?)
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