Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Here Cherokee and I are at our favorite store in Redding!! Rich is taking our photo, for posterity. Standing in front of MY Mercedes. (a classic 1981) that I bought for 1,500 dollars!! It was a really cool car, but like the other 6, or 7 cars that Rich has, (yes, still has), he has torn this one up, some how he always reduces cars to rubble!! He still has two yellow Cadillacs, a 1963 chevrolet Impala SuperSport, a 1972 silver and black Camaro, a yellow station wagon a yellow 1978 Camaro, and an old yellow Harvester International truck with a camper on the back!! (and), I sit here without an automobile!! What is wrong with this picture? You tell me! Yes, I guess I was stupid, in the break-up, left with only the computer!!
ANYWAY, most of the men in the Daniels family are car-oholics, oh yeah, I forgot that he has a 1977 or 1978 Cutlass Supreme!! I think it is sitting in the back yard of his father's old house in SanBernardino, CA. That is just TOO many cars for anybody, wouldn't you say? Cherokee and I did have fun shopping at Wal*Mart though. Then as usual, we went out to eat afterwards, to some place like HomeTown Buffet, which used to be one of MY favorite places to go eat when we were up in northern California. Here in southern California, HomeTown Buffet is still one of my favorites, but we also have alot of other fun places to go eat here. Like, NewYork Buffet, or Norm's, or RoadHouse, heck even IHOP and Denny's are a blast.
Of course, our very favorite NEW place to have a bite of food and alot of fun is, and will always be: PlushDesignLab and Cafe. at: 207 N. Harbor Boulevard Fullerton, CA. #92832 (Call for directions!! 714 738-5100, or check out their website:
www.plushcafe.com ) What a place for a commercial, right? Hahahahaha.
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 2:32 AM
Well, that of the enlargement is interesting to know, hehehe, but the pics still shine and some of the links also dissapear when I pass the mouse over.. :P
Well, I haven't been around for a while because I have no internet at home !u.u!.. but thanks for your comments ^_^ I've read them all.. I'm glad you also read mine..
I think I haven't heard about Ajuchitlan.. but It'd help if you knew the state..
This was a quick view, didn't have the chance to even read your blog 'cuz I'm at school and I gotta do some working.. so, read ya later!
In fact, the place full name is "Ajuchitlan del Progreso", and it is located in Guerrero state.
Btw... Pamela... how do you add music to your blog???
It's great!!! All the looks and everything...
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