Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Well, I haven't been here for awhile, and I have to admit, things are so slow that when I try to think of witty posts to come up with, nothing comes to mind! This is rare for me, 'cause I am the type of person that can just talk and talk about anything and everything. Today, and I do mean it is the dawning of a new day, 1:37 AM., and here I am sitting at my computer eating popcorn, drinking a cool drink, (tea), 'cause it is so hot in the apartment, and staring at this blank screen.
What I'd really like to do is to read something about prophecy, yeah, biblical prophecies, not some palm reader trying to tell someone's future, but what sayeth the LORD. I slightly remember reading somewhere that the Pope that just died, was going to be the last pope in office. The reason for that would be, that the beginning of the end (of life as we know and live it) would already be started, and the anti-christ would have already begun to make his way up in the political arena.
I find that interesting, but it is just like I remember reading that Herbert W. Armstrong, (the leader of the Philadelphia Church of CHRIST), said that he had been promised (by whom, I don't know), that he would still be alive when JESUS returned. Unless that happened while we all weren't looking, I think he mis-heard that promise! His followers are still loyal though, putting out that magazine, "The Trumpet". I have read a few of it's issues too.
There must be some prophets somewhere, there must be some activity (besides all the signs in the earth and the seas), going on somewhere. Is the anti-christ in college, forming his agenda right now? Some charismatic young adult, that is filled with big plans on how to bring peace to the world, and the backers to help him obtain his goals? What event will come to pass to show his real persona? Will it be a death of a loved one? Or some catastrophic occurance that will affect him in such a way as to bring out the "devil" in him?
Maybe I've been reading too many books, like that "Left Behind" series? Those authors are supposed to have a pretty good understanding of scriptures. I've heard too many arguments pro and con for and against, the rapture before the great trials on earth, during the great trials on earth, and after the great trials on earth, not to be unsure if it will happen at all. Of course, I read the Bible itself. Now, that sounds like we'll all be going through some heavy duty trials, and that if GOD doesn't shorten the days, nothing would survive. I personally think that we are at the open door of this time.
People who don't believe, I don't understand. I once knew a woman who said, "When you die, that's it, there is nothing after that, you just cease to exist". People who believe that way, can do anything, (good or bad), because they don't believe that there will be any consequences for their actions. This spurs them on to either be famous, or infamous during their lifetime, so that they will be recognised by humanity. It usually doesn't matter whether they are a big frog in a little pond, or a bigger frog in a huge pond, as long as they have some notariety among their peers, they can be happy.
Believers go for the gold, true believers that is. They are the ones that fight the great battles, and jump into the arenas of world events, to try and make the world a better place for man as a whole. I pray that GOD blesses them alot too. I stand in awe of people like those, the ones that put the plight of millions far above their own comfort. I can really only name one other next to JESUS, and that would be Mother Teresa, of India. Reading about her has made me cry, and I pray that she will be one of the saints that I meet in heaven.
Yes, I say that I meet. I have a theory, and it is my own, I've never heard it anywhere else, because I pieced it together from my own bible readings, and it is the hope that I cling to in this life, being a mere human being, and not a warrior for CHRIST, yet never denying HIM either. Many scriptures say things like, just believing in the sacrifice that JESUS made for you on the cross and voicing it as you own, will save you. Declaring that you need a SAVIOR, and accepting HIM as your SAVIOR, and living a sin-free life, as much as it is possible for you, will save you. I like that, and I try to live like that, too.
Asking for forgiveness for all things you've done, and forgiving others, no matter what they've done to you also goes a long way with the MAN upstairs. After all, HIS name is LOVE. HE looks on the heart of each individual, and judges us on that. HE knows that we are just dust, and HE knows what opposition we have against us in this world, it will count alot if we always choose to do what is right, and teach others this same principal. Live to help others, and not hinder anyone with bad advice, or by being a bad role model in any situation you're involved in.
Have faith in GOD, that is so important, never give up when you think that something is right, don't be lead astray, to do the wrong thing, small or large things, when you know that there is a right way for the thing to be done. Don't forget to be joyful, happy with what ever you have. If you can do honest work to get more, do it. Always share though, never think you deserve more, just because others have more. Life is just what it is. Uncertain and unsure. Trust in HIM.
Be content. That's my theory. We'll get to heaven not by making a huge show of our spirituality, but by living it.
Though I'm not a member of the Philadelphia Church of GOD in any way, I think that their magazine is very interesting and up to date. If you'd like to look into their beliefs go to:
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 1:37 AM
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