Saturday, July 23, 2005
Do you remember going to Disneyland as a child?? I do, and I was almost taken away by a woman who bought me candy and toys, this was back in the early days of the park, I had gone with the Girl Scouts, and because I got angry that I couldn't drive the little autos, (I wasn't tall enough), I refused to ride along side my sister, Anna.
I stood outside of the ride and a lady asked me if I was alone, and took me and bought me some cotton candy, and some Mickey ears!! I was having a ball, this lady started steadily toward the exit gates out of the park, and at that time I saw a friend of my sister's named Katherine Tilly.
I ran over to her and told her about the "nice lady", who had bought me the candy, and the "ears", at that point I turned to show her the lady, and she was gone!! I was so naive, I didn't realise that I was almost kidnapped until we recounted the story to my Mom after we got back home!
You must remember this was back around 1955 or 1956, no one had ever told me not to take candy from a stranger, or that you couldn't trust seemingly nice people. I was clueless. Recently I got this e-mail about the "Evil Disney". It was a real eye-opener!! Here is a link for you to go and look for yourself, after you read this article.
Disneyland - a pervert's Disneyland
JackEnter, a former Atlanta detective, has studied the Peeping Tom Phenomenon at Disney. He's been called as a witness to trials involving Magic Kingdom Peepers involving restrooms, changing rooms and dressing rooms. In one reported incident, Disney merely taped over the holes with duct tape. "It was amazing," said Enter. "So many guys had been standing on the ceiling pipe looking into the room that the insulation was worn off the top of the pipe". It would stand to reason though, that if someone is a pervert, pedophile, peeping Tom or Just One Of Those Types, like any "criminal" they gravitate and seek out the environment that allows them to pursue their habits. To these people Disneyland is well....just like a Disneyland.
When asked about this, Security Officer Hertog said, "Boys will be boys. This has been going on at Disney for 20 years. A large workforce will attract oddballs". However it's gotten worse - an investigations manager could recall only one case older than 15 years.
Rich Jeeley confessed in a Disney Security Statement that he regularly flashed guests at the park for over a year. Disney knew he had an "extensive"' criminal sex crimes record but did nothing until he was caught peeing through guest hotel bedroom windows at night. They fired him but never notified the police.
Maintenance worker Vince Amato was caught peeping on guests trying on clothes in the fitting room of the Disney Village Market "Captain's Tower". He was reported three times. Disney's answer was to transfer him to another job.
When Disney learned one of their wardrobe assistants was spying on female performers at Cinderella's Castle, masturbating and videotaping them as they changed costumes, Disney decided to ....call the police and have the man arrested? Wrong. They decided to conduct their own surveillance even though they had more than enough information to have the guy locked up. For three entire months they deliberately didn't tell the women performers that this was going on, while photographing the guy. He was later arrested because a Sheriff's Deputy overheard employees discussing the video tapes in the coffee room. Six dancers sued Disney for $37.5 million after finding out not only were the dressing rooms full of peepholes which Disney knew about, but that on the day of the arrest, Disney security guards had stood and watched this guy for over an hour while they continued to tape him, until the performers finished dressing and left the dressing room for their show. Disney admitted to not telling them but said they didn't have the right to sue as they had a "diminished expectation of privacy in their particular job and knowingly assumed the risks". A judge refused to dismiss the case calling Disney's attitude "outrageous". They settled for an undisclosed amount.
Employees caught exposing themselves to park guests or peeping on "guests" in changing rooms in stores, even if they are children, have in the past been fired but not turned over to authorities.
Most law enforcement people and psychiatrists will tell you that pedophiles will usually put themselves in positions to expand their opportunities. One would think to get a job at a place like Disney you'd be put through some pretty heavy background checks, right? Last word was they don't do ANY. Disney says it'd be too prohibitive, cost-wise. As if Disney doesn't make enough money? A criminal background check, not even counting a mass discount that Disney could probably get, being the Great American Institution it is and all that, runs about $15. Hell, you or I could run one on anyone using Internet services if you want to pay the fee; surely Disney can be bothered.
A transportation supervisor who worked at Disney was arrested after contacting a 13 year old boy on AOL's "Orlando" chat room using his Disney connections and promises of Disney stuff as a reward. When arrested by police they said he had so much Disney merchandise at his home it 'looked like a shrine'. (And since this chat room is a known hot bed for Disney Pervs to hang out in, does AOL monitor the chat in the Orlando chat room 24/7? Of course not.)
This same chat room was where Matt Irwin thought he hit paydirt in the form of a 13 year old girl, who turned out to be a cop. He told the 'girl' he worked for Disneyland and gave her a number to reach him at; which turned out to be his number all right - at the Animation section at Disney studios. Irwin had previously won an Emmy for his work on "Winnie the Pooh".
Doug Rehman has lectured at the FBI and was a senior law enforcement official with the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement, which includes every government agency, local, county and state agency that deals with pedophiles. They teach proactive skills in spotting, finding, profiling and preventing crimes which victimize children. They have trained the staff at places such as Sea World, Universal Studio's Water Park. Disney has declined offers to train their staff.
In Feb. 1996 a 7-year old girl reported that she saw a man with his zipper down, touching himself at Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park. When it was reported by a second girl on a second morning, Disney confronted an employee matching the description. He admitted to doing this and was fired. Disney waited 7 hours to report this incident to the local authorities, just long enough for the girl who witnessed him masturbating, and her mother, to check out of Disney's hotel and go back home. No arrest was made, because strangely enough, Disney "lost" the little girl's contact information.
Sgt. Mark Thompson of the Oscala, Florida County Sheriff Dept. said: "We had a guy who traveled the Disney hotels and go to the pool areas. He was taking close-up photos of kids climbing in and out of pools. Three or Four year olds and sometimes suits weren't covering backsides properly, if you know what I mean. You just knew he was going to make a move on a kid. We wanted to get him but Disney didn't want any part of it".
Jimmie Dennis was arrested in Nov. 1996 in Orlando for "committing lewd acts upon a child". While awaiting trial he applied for a job at Disney in the entertainment division, and got hired as a costumed character. His job was to roam the park, hugging kids and sitting them on his lap. He kept the job until August 21, 1997 when he was convicted of his previous crime. The attorney who prosecuted said this was a great example of why Disney needed to do background checks on people. As mentioned earlier - pedophiles look for chances to expand their opportunities.
David Fisher got fired from a job at the Oscelo School District in 1991 for several reports of "'excessive touching of girls". Regardless, he got a job at the Disney Fort Wilderness Campground. I'll spare you the reports and details this sick waste of life generated before he finally got nailed. Disney, however, did manage to explain that "the cost of background checks on it's employees would be prohibitive". I'll also mention that the Florida Dept. of Law offers arrest records for $15 each.
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 12:58 AM
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
It's July the seventeenth, twothousand and five. I don't come to blogger anymore everyday. I am getting tired of the computer. I go to www.myspace.com, and to www.neopet.com, and I do my e-mail also, and lately I had so many e-mails, that I got tired of answering them!!
I do this to myself, I want to talk to people, but then, I realise that I want to be an annonymous speaker more than I want to actually know the people. I joined this online group, and it sounded so good, it's a group where you can ask for prayers, and give praise reports, and do bible studies, but then that added 30 or more e-mails to my address per day!!
So now, I have been going to the www.alienlovespredator.com site and hide out there in many of the forums, talking nonsense. I like Abe and Preston though. The person who draws the comic is really good and funny (at times). Sometimes he/she is just irreverant. Like having JESUS stay at Abe and Preston's apartment, and HE is a pitcher for some ball team.
HE is the best player ever, though. I guess that is something, huh?? If JESUS played the game, I bet that HE would be the best player ever!! Yet, to live in the apartment with those two stinking extraterrestials??
Sorry, I guess that HE (JESUS), is extraterrestial HIMSELF?? Being that GOD is HIS FATHER, well....., in the PERSON of the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO overshadowed Mary to impregnate her. So, when you think of it. I now decide that HE is the perfect room-mate for Abe the alien, and Preston, the predator. They all seem to really get along.
Anyway, leaving the world of people from another place, and coming back down to earth, at least the place that I have always thought fondly of as "earth". I don't know though, this may be a segment of the T.V. show I had come to know as "The Twilight Zone".
Sometimes, I just want to go to bed, and then go to sleep, and then wake up!! Wake up in a different reality. It doesn't matter what other people think, it only matters what I think. I don't want to follow through with this senario. I've gotten to the age that I am now, and I am tired of this life. No, I didn't say I'm tired of living, I said this life!!
I want a life where I wake up and I am me, only better. I have gotten used to being me. I used to love being me. Maybe that was just injected into my memory?? I seem to have the memory that I loved being me. I had fun, (at least I thought that I had fun), long ago. It was stupid, but then, I was young. So what did I know??
I have memories of having some scary moments during the time that I was raising my three children. Still, either I got through that okay, or else I have memories injected into my mind making me think that I got through that part of life pretty okay. Not any real tragic happenings, well....., at least not any that I couldn't live with.
When I wake up, and I am myself, only better, I don't care if I am still 58!! I don't care if I am still separated from Richard. Except, that if I were myself, only better, I do think that I would have filed for a divorce at least two years ago. Why do I think that there is something in me right now that is hindering me from doing that anyway??
Because I haven't done it!!! There's no better watermark of whether an idea is doable, or not doable, than that of either doing it or not doing it. Right?? Makes perfect sense to me. If I could of divorced him, I would have done it. I can't even decide what I want to eat for breakfast in this reality, or even if I want to eat, at all.
Sometimes I wonder how I made it to this age, I was so full of indecision, all my life, (or at least I have a memory of being indecisive all my life). It is so cool when you watch movies, and it is going along at a great clip, then "gong", everything changes!! It isn't real at all, the person who had the wonderful life, is really all tied up in a straightjacket, and is being awakened by some weird looking nurse patting him/her on the side of their face!!
Saying, "wake up, so and so, it's time for your sleeping pills, doctors orders"!! That's what I'm waiting to happen. I'll wake up in some medical lab, with a anal probe, and catheter, and little blue, (yes, blue~~not grey), creatures squiggling all over the floor, and tall Asian looking aliens talking in a language that sounds like "clock glugg blook bliggah doon doonee gonk".
Oh, the little blue squiggling thingies are like janitors, you know like snails in a fish bowl?? I am so happy though, 'cause then I'll know that I'm not really dying slowly of what ever disease this is I have right now, that makes me hurt twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week!! Yeah!!
I STILL want to be the mother of my three kids, Gilbert is someone elses joy now. I couldn't take him away from Ann, and LaShane has her five kids!! She and Garth Sr., are happy and have a good relationship, wouldn't want to ruin that.
Cherokee has the whole world open before her, if I wasn't here, she could do anything in the world she wanted to do. So, if I was up on the Mothership, all of my kids would get along fine, and my grandkids would forget about me quick enough. Then on the other hand, if I had of gotten abducted before I was 16, would that have changed the world so much??
Maybe?? Maybe not?? Ahhhhhhhhhhh, damn!! Never mind. I'm here, and I've had years and years to do what I wanted to do, so if I didn't get to do exactly what I wanted to do. That's on me, right?? Every body has to make their own choices. I've made mine. Mistakes, I've made a few, but I'm only human. (Or at least I have the thought in my head that I am a human).
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 11:42 PM
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Subject: Earthquake survival - something different. Please! Read and re-post, do not reply, RE-POST!!!!!!!!
It is an EXTRACT FROM DOUG COPP'S ARTICLE ON THE: "TRIANGLE OF LIFE," edited by Larry Linn for MAA Safety Committee brief on 4/13/04
My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced rescue team.
The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake. I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a member of many rescue teams from many countries.
I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years...There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using my method of the "triangle of life." The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico City during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under their desk. Every child was crushed to the thickness of their bones.
They could have survived by lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene, unnecessary and I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't know at the time that the children were told to hide under something.
Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to them. This space is what I call the "triangle of life". The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. (Crush).
The less the object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the triangles" you see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see, in a collapsed building. They are everywhere.
1) Most everyone who simply "ducks and covers" WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.
2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position. You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.
3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in during an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of the earthquake. If the wooden building does collapse, large survival voids are created. Also, the wooden building has less concentrated, crushing weight. Brick buildings will break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause many injuries but less squashed bodies than concrete slabs.
4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed. Hotels can achieve a much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by posting a sign on the back of the door of every room telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.
5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa, or large chair.
6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is killed.How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!
7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different "moment of frequency" (they swing separately from the main part of the building). The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each other until structural failure of the stairs takes place.
The people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads- horribly mutilated. Even if the building doesn't collapse, stay away from the stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged.
Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety, even when the rest of the building is not damaged.
8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If Possible. It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape route will be blocked.
9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles.
They were all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or lying next to their vehicles.Everyone killed would have survived if they had been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had columns fall directly across them.
10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact. Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.
Spread this word and save someone's life... Please!
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 11:22 PM
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Friday, July 08, 2005
Some years ago, on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole that was behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.
He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore. In the house, his mother was looking out the window. She saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In utter fear, she ran toward the water, yelling to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed. He made a u-turn and swam towards his mother as fast as he could.
It was too late. Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him.From the dock, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms, just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began a very incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go.
A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim, and shot the alligator.Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attackof the animal. On his arms, there were deep scratches where his mother's fingernails dug into his flesh, in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.
The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked the boy if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. Then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn't let go.
"You and I can identify with that little boy. We have scars, too. No, not from an alligator, but the scars of a painful past. Some of those scars are unsightly, and have caused us deep regret.
But, some wounds, my friend, are because GOD has refused to let go. In the midst of your struggle, HE's been right there, holdingon to you. The Scripture teaches that GOD loves you.
You are a child of GOD. HE wants to protect you, and provide for you in every way. But, sometimes, we foolishly wade into dangerous situations, not knowing what lies ahead. The swimming hole of life is filled with peril ~ and we forget that the enemy is waiting to attack.
That is when the tug-of-war begins. If you have the scars of HIS love on your arms, be very, very grateful. HE will not ever let you go. Never judge another person's scars, because you don't know how they got them. Also, it is so important that we are not too selfish to receive the blessings of these messages without forwarding them to someone else.
Right now, someone needs to know that GOD loves them, and you love them too ~ enough to not let them go!!! With thanks to Carly Taylor For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
"In prayer; expect setbacks, but refuse retreat." Richard Eastman
Don't tell the LORD how big the problem is, tell the problem how Great the LORD is! Amen.
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 10:23 PM
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005
(This is not written by me, I received it in an email from Art Dennies aka: Leethal. He received it from a friend, that I don't know, but sounds like he has a good grasp of the scriptures. I have added both links to the bottom of this post, if you would like to see who they are, contact them, and/or just to hear Leethal's music.)
Anyone that really knows me will tell you that I love movies . . . especially those that cause you to think. Around 1995, an action movie called "The Usual Suspects" came out. In one scene, actor Kevin Spacey made a statement that even to this day, I vividly remember: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he never existed.""When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says 'I will return to the person I came from.' So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and clean.
Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before . . ." (Matthew 12:43-45) - NLTHave you ever noticed that when some Christians get in certain environments, they no longer look like or act like or talk like Christians? A young lady that had recently given her life to Christ asked me what was wrong w/ her going to a club to hang out w/ her friends. I said, "Being that you used to frequently visit clubs, it might not be a wise decision b/c you run the risk of falling back into the whole "club" mindset."
By opening ourselves up to various types of potential sin, we pretty much invite evil spirits to come take residence in our lives.JESUS clearly explains what happens when you've been delivered from something. He says that the evil spirit, upon being booted out of your life, decides that since he can't overtake you alone, he's going to get some spirits that are even more sinister than him to help overtake you!
It's kind of like a bank robber that realizes he can't pull off a heist by himself, so he goes and recruits some other professional thieves to help out. This warning lets us know that whatever you used to do, when the familiarity of it comes upon you, you are going to be in for a tougher battle b/c you will now be up against a hybrid, more complex, stronger variation of that spirit.Understand this as well: the evil spirit's personality is directly compatible w/ whatever a person entertains.
For example, if I decide to watch some "adult" late night entertainment on HBO, I open the door for the spirit of lust. If I choose to listen to music that propagates hate, I subject my being to the spirit of negative aggression. I'd even go as far as telling you to watchfully limit your time around certain people. I've seen for myself when someone that has just had a superb day gets around a bunch of complaining, contentious people and before it was said and done, they were complaining too!
Upon receiving deliverance, it's important to note what kinds of activities you were involved in when you were bound so that you can recognize them when they reappear.So . . . . what do you do when you've been set free and the familiar spirit comes back?? First off, you have to already be prepared BEFORE the spirit comes back. But the big thing is this: KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN.
Here's why: spirits are parasitic in nature. They seek something in you that is not like GOD (i.e. a thought, a deed, a desire, etc.) so they can latch on to it and gain a foothold on you. The primary reason a spirit will ever even have a chance to gain control of you is b/c he's tapped into something about you that is unGODly. The flesh and the spirit of GOD in you war against each other, trying to gain control of your life. It's up to you to realize that once JESUS empties the house, sweeps the house, and cleans the house, dirtying it up again brings unwelcomed company.
Edifying, Encouraging & Enlightening,GP ( AGospelPreacha@yahoo.com)
Copyright © 2005 Joined at the Hip MinistriesAll Rights Reserved.**If you know someone that would be blessed by reading this message, pass it along!**
I'm a Leethal weapon in the hands of GOD!! http://www.myspace.com/leethal
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 4:59 PM
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