Tuesday, July 05, 2005
(This is not written by me, I received it in an email from Art Dennies aka: Leethal. He received it from a friend, that I don't know, but sounds like he has a good grasp of the scriptures. I have added both links to the bottom of this post, if you would like to see who they are, contact them, and/or just to hear Leethal's music.)
Anyone that really knows me will tell you that I love movies . . . especially those that cause you to think. Around 1995, an action movie called "The Usual Suspects" came out. In one scene, actor Kevin Spacey made a statement that even to this day, I vividly remember: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he never existed.""When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says 'I will return to the person I came from.' So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and clean.
Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before . . ." (Matthew 12:43-45) - NLTHave you ever noticed that when some Christians get in certain environments, they no longer look like or act like or talk like Christians? A young lady that had recently given her life to Christ asked me what was wrong w/ her going to a club to hang out w/ her friends. I said, "Being that you used to frequently visit clubs, it might not be a wise decision b/c you run the risk of falling back into the whole "club" mindset."
By opening ourselves up to various types of potential sin, we pretty much invite evil spirits to come take residence in our lives.JESUS clearly explains what happens when you've been delivered from something. He says that the evil spirit, upon being booted out of your life, decides that since he can't overtake you alone, he's going to get some spirits that are even more sinister than him to help overtake you!
It's kind of like a bank robber that realizes he can't pull off a heist by himself, so he goes and recruits some other professional thieves to help out. This warning lets us know that whatever you used to do, when the familiarity of it comes upon you, you are going to be in for a tougher battle b/c you will now be up against a hybrid, more complex, stronger variation of that spirit.Understand this as well: the evil spirit's personality is directly compatible w/ whatever a person entertains.
For example, if I decide to watch some "adult" late night entertainment on HBO, I open the door for the spirit of lust. If I choose to listen to music that propagates hate, I subject my being to the spirit of negative aggression. I'd even go as far as telling you to watchfully limit your time around certain people. I've seen for myself when someone that has just had a superb day gets around a bunch of complaining, contentious people and before it was said and done, they were complaining too!
Upon receiving deliverance, it's important to note what kinds of activities you were involved in when you were bound so that you can recognize them when they reappear.So . . . . what do you do when you've been set free and the familiar spirit comes back?? First off, you have to already be prepared BEFORE the spirit comes back. But the big thing is this: KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN.
Here's why: spirits are parasitic in nature. They seek something in you that is not like GOD (i.e. a thought, a deed, a desire, etc.) so they can latch on to it and gain a foothold on you. The primary reason a spirit will ever even have a chance to gain control of you is b/c he's tapped into something about you that is unGODly. The flesh and the spirit of GOD in you war against each other, trying to gain control of your life. It's up to you to realize that once JESUS empties the house, sweeps the house, and cleans the house, dirtying it up again brings unwelcomed company.
Edifying, Encouraging & Enlightening,GP (
Copyright © 2005 Joined at the Hip MinistriesAll Rights Reserved.**If you know someone that would be blessed by reading this message, pass it along!**
I'm a Leethal weapon in the hands of GOD!!
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 4:59 PM
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