<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hello Blog friends,
It's been a long time since I've been to this site. Why? There were so many reasons, first off being that I got bored with this site. Yep, that was the main reason, I abdicated my position and moved on.
I moved on to #1. http://www.MySpace.com and had a lot of fun and some great friends were made on that site. If you haven't already been there you should go and start posting blogs there also, there are millions of people on there, and I truly mean it when I say that they are from all over the world!
#2. I went to http://www.blackplanet.com and had lots of responses there also. That site was more like a dating site, which is one thing I didn't want to be bothered with, so even if I did get alot of hits on my profile page, I usually ended up telling them that I wasn't interested in "going out" or meeting anyone for any romantic evenings!
Still if that is what you're looking for, and you're into Black men/women, that is definitely THE PLACE, to go! I have a couple of pen-pals there, who are just looking for someone to "talk" to as they can't get out much anymore, and are lonely. That's the type of thing that I was in the market for anyhow, myself.
You gotta be careful though, 'cause it is a totally adult site, and there are some blatantly sexual beings on that site who don't mind showing all their wares! I just blushed and deleted those jokers without responding to them at all. Whatever floats their boat! I personally would sink them if I ran the site, but that's just me.
One day, recently, I got to wondering if I still could come here and if my blog would still be waiting for me to take it up again. I still don't sleep much at night, so here I am at 3:59 a.m., tired of playing the games at: http://www.neopets.com after like three hours!!, and I said to myself, well before I go to bed, let me check up on ole Blogger!
It's still here! Okay, now I've done advertisements for some other cool sites, oh yeah and one more, this is where I go to check up on things like U.F.O. conspiracies, Government conspiracies, Mormon conspiricies, and just generally funny videos that people tell me I should go and watch.
It's: http://www.youtube.com that one is so much fun, I don't go searching around though, 'cause I don't want to see anything that might give me a heart attack, or worse, you know? Usually the links that friends from other sites are entertaining enough to keep me laughing, or curious, or informed for days! Oh well, I guess I'll call it a day, it's after 4:00 am now, and after all, I'm getting closer and closer to 60 years old, I do need a bit of beauty sleep.
I'll be up and raring to go, (not out anywhere, just back on this computer) in a few short hours, depending on how quickly my medication to help me sleep works. I still have all the same maladies I had back when I started this blog, and a few more that I've been through, like breast cancer operations, (two, in fact). So, I'm not even doing as much as I was back then, 2005 and the beginning of 2006.
I'm still praising GOD for letting me get this far, and as far as HE'LL take me will be a great pleasure for me, pain or no pain, I'm alive, and that is the operative word, "ALIVE"!!!
I've got all my children still with me, and a brand new grandson named Skyler, that I call "SkyKing"! He's the cutest big bundle of joy!! Only 7 months old right now and he must weigh close to 30 lbs! I can't hardly lift him, he is so solid!! He's my son and daughter-in-law's first child, and I hope that there will be many more!! So, SkyKing makes six grandchildren for me altogether, you may remember I have a granddaughter that just turned 17, and is getting ready to graduate high school.
Her younger twin brothers are just over 11 years old, and the baby twins, boy and girl, were eight in December!
So, my life is full and blessed!! Amen. Glory to GOD in the highest, and I'm praying for peace to all of us still here on earth. Amen.

sat down to play at 3:48 AM


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name: Pamela

age: 57

profile: 6071684

comments: SPEAK TO ME

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