<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Friday, November 11, 2005

This is the photo that I was trying to put on my blog space in the "about me" space. I think that it captures my personality to a "T". I'm just "folks", I don't try to put on airs, I don't try to be someone that I'm not. I'm just "Mamma" and "Grandma", Sis and P.M. to family, and Pam to my friends. I love the LORD, family, being with my kids and grandkids, and I am so happy to add, I'm expecting to be a GRANDMOTHER again in 2006!!! Praise GOD!!! Thank you JESUS. HALLELUJAH, Amen. Yes, my only son, the male "fruit of my loins", is going to be a father!!! Gilbert, (Geno to his close family and friends) and Ann (SeungEun by birth) are expecting their first baby!!!! Thank YOU FATHER GOD, Praise YOUR HOLY NAME!!! Amen. May all the guardian angels assigned to our family be vigilant, guarding us from all hurt, harm, danger and all the machinations of the evil ones. This is my prayer, in the NAME of JESUS the CHRIST, LORD and SAVIOR. Amen. I will await this event as I have the other five births. Well it was only three, 'cause LaShane and Garth, after the first baby, had them two at a time!! (Smile). "Grandkids are gifts straight from Heaven to reward Grandparents for not killing their own kids, especially during their children's teen years"!!!!! Now, I didn't make up that saying, so don't credit, (or discredit) me with it, Okay? Hahahahahahahaha. Glory to GOD in the Highest. Amen. My mood? Very happy and content. Yay.
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sat down to play at 1:56 PM


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name: Pamela

age: 57

profile: 6071684

comments: SPEAK TO ME

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