Saturday, March 26, 2005
Tomorrow many many thousands of people will celebrate "Easter", me being a christian, I don't even like the word easter. While attending bible studies, I learned that the word easter was a different spelling of the name of a pagan goddess, "Ishtar", who I believed had something to do with fertility rites. As does the rabbit, which I don't even remember how a rabbit came into the picture!!! and him all into delivering hard boiled eggs, and candy? How is this a commemoration of the death of Christ? I had learned that back when Israelites were denigrating the person, JESUS, and had no faith in HIM being resurrected, they mocked, by saying HE had as much chance of coming back to life, as a chicken had of being hatched out of a "hard boiled egg", so the only way that easter eggs would be appropriate, is if it alludes to christians saying "nah na na nah nah", to non-believers! Which shouldn't be a christian way to act, in any case! So of course, eat eggs whenever you want, but the dyeing, and the hiding, and the finding, being christian activities for Resurrection Day, I don't really think they are. Even small children have the right to the real meaning behind the celebration. How JESUS died for the sins of all humanity, and NO rabbits went around giving out baskets of candy, nor did they spend all night hiding brightly colored hard boiled eggs, for the children to find, what?, in hopes of helping them get over the horror of seeing the SAVIOR, whipped beyond recognition, and then nailed upon a cross in order that he might suffocate to death? Yeah right! Even then, we read in the bible, that this torture didn't kill HIM!! When it was time, HE gave up HIS SPIRIT, willingly. HE is so wonderful, and so glorious. I love HIM with all my heart. Just like everything else, though. I don't show HIM, or others how dearly I do love HIM!!! I am so human, I want things my way, and want to have things done for me, instead of doing them for others.
When anyone says that they don't "Believe", I feel so sorry for them. They just don't know that HE gave up HIS life for them also. All you have to do is accept that fact. Tell GOD that you know that you need a SAVIOR, and accept JESUS' sacrifice as your own, declare it, out loud, (no secret closet christianity, for us), and there you have it. Eternal life ! To me, the alternative is too horrible to even imagine!!! When all is said and done, it is the only logical solution to this ever degrading condition on earth! Everlasting life with the TRINITY! FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT.
Personally, I don't think that there will be all that "harp playing, sitting on clouds" going on either. You gotta read the story for yourself, don't just listen to what others tell you, okay? It is for each and everyone to read and decide on their own, of course, the bible does tell us to tell others, but not to beat it into their skulls, like you are getting a cash commission or something!! Still, it is the act of LOVE, not annoyance! We are supposed to love people into the kingdom of GOD, not make them feel guitly, or that they had BETTER do it, or else. Of course, that is their choice. Separation from GOD, is going to be their hell. That will be their choice.
There is alot of controversy as to whether people will just totally cease to exist, or be in pain for eternity. Just for the record, this is my take on it. The Bible tells us that GOD burned up Sodom and Gamorrah, and said that the cities would burn "for ever and ever", yet, I haven't heard of an area in the Middle East that is still burning, and has been forever and ever, well at least for as long as anyone can remember, have you?
This makes me believe that the spirits of evil men will be erased, even though our spirits were conceived to live forever and ever, our souls were not, it says in the scriptures, "the soul that sins shall die", but that the spirit of man returns to GOD, WHO has made it. So, if one were to be eternally separated from HIM, there must be a way to erradicate it. Now, that will be "hell", not the lake of fire, which was created for satan and his angels, not for man. I don't consider myself to be more intelligent that all those biblical scholars that have a different opinion, but as I have read the bible repeatedly, and have asked the HOLY SPIRIT to help me in understanding these texts, it is the conclusion I have come to. So there.
Read, and see for yourself. By the way, JESUS is still alive, and many scholars say HE is the only human being in Heaven, I would like to ask, where is Enoch, or for that matter Elijah? They haven't seen death as of yet, and it also says in the bible, "it is appointed unto every man once to die, and after that the judgement", so they have to be some where, and still have to die (if they haven't already). I don't know if they are in Heaven, on still here on earth. If these names are new to you, look them up on
www.biblegateway.com that is where I go, to search out chapters, or people, or events. It's alot of fun. Read all of the new testament, to find out about JESUS. HE is of more importance than any other human on earth, second in importance that is, but only to GOD,!! Don't be afraid of reading the bible. It isn't all fire and brimstone!!!! Quite the opposite, in fact. And, yes, HE is, was, and will forever be, Jewish, Hebrew, Israeli, SON of GOD, MESSIAH, KING of KINGS, and LORD of LORDS!!! HALLELUJAH, amen. Get on it!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 3:02 PM
Well, guess it's not only for Easter, but for much more "celebrations". Take for an example X-mas... it's supposed to be the celebration of Jesus' birth.. and for being honest, I don't remember reading in the Bible about some fat guy, dressed in red giving presents to the children...
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