Wednesday, February 09, 2005

This is an old photo. First, this was taken by Gracie Zimmerman, who at the time was like our third daughter, and it was while we were visiting Rich's mother, Gloria Daniels, and his sister Pam Champ, up in Los Angeles. Cherokee was 14, and LaShane was 16 years old!!! Look at the eyes on those people, they're just alike, all three of them!!! Or, maybe it was just the sun shining in their eyes, that made them all squint alike? You know, now that I think about it, I don't know where Gloria, Pam, or I, was when these pictures were taken? Maybe we were just off to the side, waiting our turn? Ummmm,? We used to take alot of pictures when the kids were younger, and I still have alot of them, but I just haven't scanned them onto the computer yet, (or honestly). I haven't asked CHEROKEE to scan them onto the computer, yet. As a whole, we are a "picture taking family" That includes all my brothers and sisters, too! By this time, Geno was around 21 or 22 years old, so he didn't go too many places with us anymore. He had his own agenda by then. He still took alot of photos, though, I have some of his, and his "brother" Bob, all over the place! Gilbert, and Bobert! Funny, I used to call them that. Ebony and Ivory! I miss Bob! Gracie, too. Damn, all of the Zimmermans! We all grew up together! Where ARE you guys? :)
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 11:40 PM
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