<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Saturday, February 05, 2005

It's saturday, 3:21am. Here I am at the computer. I just got through playing some cool games at www.neopets.com and I am just about ready to go to bed. We did alot yesterday, well for Cherokee and myself. Got up at 9:30 or so in the am. Showered, dressed (cute), and Michelle and Charlene came by to pick us up to do some chores. We didn't get home until dark. This is on top of us going to Plush Cafe thursday evening, and staying there until nearly 3:00am! The place was jumping! I bought this CD from this really great singer, named Kevin Sandbloom. He was wonderful! There was another fabulous singer, by the name of Jacob G. and his band was terrific also! I cannot wait until he has his CD out. Besides the Open Mic, there is the thursday night group, called "Domino Effect", and our usual DJ/host then is, Gio (Stuart), the house band is compiled of: Mike, Clif, Cephas (Love), Wyll, Jason, Allan, and Jeremy. Those guys can rock your socks off!!! Cephas sings like nobody's business also, and sometimes his cute girl friend Jasmine will back him up. Jason's brother, Justin (twins) gets on the mic, and let me tell you, he makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck! His voice is that smooth and mellow sounding! Oh, I cannot forget to mention regular musicians like Dr. Pepper, and this very attractive young man, named Joshua, who is native on those congo drums!!! He can really beat them solid! Old school term for YEAH GOOD!
If you are ever in Fullerton, CA. You just gotta stop by 207 N. Harbor Boulevard, and check out the haps. You won't be sorry, any night, but Thursday is the day me and the Ladies three, Cherokee, Michelle and Charlene are there behind the counter. We party!
So, anyway, after we came home and put up our groceries, and noshed on a salad, we watched, "The Grudge". Yeah, with the actress supreme from the now cancelled, TV show, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Sarah Michelle Gellar! Or aka, Mrs. Freddie Prinze Jr., to her close fans, (like us) she may be gone from the TV, but she is ever in our hearts and thoughts, plus she has been in alot of other things, and she is just a great actress, 'nuff said!!!! Just let me say, from the bottom of my heart that, "The Grudge", is a freaky but, very scary and good movie"!!!!!!! I give it 9 out of 10 stars. I am sure that we will watch it over and over, as we so often do movies that we really like. Every time "Harry Potter", comes on, I have to watch it again. Same with the "Matrix", (all three of them), even though Cherokee has the DVDs! I am like that with Mickey Rourke movies, and Stephen Baldwin's too!!! "Absense of the Good", and "Dead Awake", oh yeah, "Mr. Murder", being among my favorites of his. As far as MR goes, there are too many of his movies that I love, and I mean LOVE, to really mention here. Oh well, maybe just one or two. "Rumble Fish", being a classic! "AngelHeart", "The Last Outlaw", "Bullet", "A Prayer for the dying", "Diner", not to mention how fine he looked in "DoubleTeam", he is the BEST thing about that movie!!! Just go and rent some of his movies, you'll see what I mean, "Johnny Handsome"!!! I am waiting on pins and needles for "Sin City", and "Domino"!!!!! MICKEY, I LOVE YOU!!! I really don't know, I think my daughter LaShane loves him even more, if that is possible. Anyway, that doesn't take away from how I feel about Keanu Reeves! Oh my gosh, I am getting so silly. 57 years old, and I act like a high-school girl, with a crush on the star basketball player!! I must be tired. I usually try to talk about more serious matters. These are the subjects of my dreams! So, here I go to bed, perchance to dream? Oh yeah!
sat down to play at 3:19 AM


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name: Pamela

age: 57

profile: 6071684

comments: SPEAK TO ME

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