Monday, February 14, 2005

This is a photo of Richard and me. Yes, believe it! These two people conceived the two beautiful women that are in the photo with me to your left, of this blog! I look at this photo and I think, "what will happen next," with us? Richard is in Northern CA., and I am here in the "garden spot of the world", Southern CA., and there are many miles, and it seems so much more, separating us. Do we look as if we belong together? It's okay, be honest! Neither of us is 100% human! Yet, I think that I am the only one who will admit that I am from Outer Space!! I have never been "normal", so how in the world did I expect to meet and marry a man that was? (but), I know that this union was necessary, to make LaShane who she is, and Cherokee who she is, and in a somewhat different way, even though I already had my son when I met Richard, (and Geno's father, Michael R. Wormac, was just as alien as Richard is), it helped to make Geno who HE is now too. I must admit all three of them turned out great, despite our childish stupidity, and constant screw-ups, while they were in their formative years. That relationship, and marriage, was nothing short of fantasy island, without Mr. Rourke, or Tattoo! That is just something else to totally let me know that there IS a GOD in heaven, and HE does have a purpose for all of our lives. Thank YOU JESUS!! Hallelujah, Amen. :)
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 3:19 PM
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