Sunday, February 13, 2005
I missed saturday by four minutes! I hadn't even gone to Neopets once yesterday. I first got on the computer earlier, but then Cherokee had "Catwoman". (It just came today). So we had to watch that. Next AVP is coming, and I can't hardly wait,(Seth Green), :=) for that to come. I love those two SciFi movies (Alien and Predator), so much! That is the only thing I like Arnold in, movies! (I hate his governorshipness). Then later while we were watching "Lakawanna Blues", by Ruben Santiago-Hudson, on HBO. Michelle and Charlene stopped by. They brought Teri Flatt's kids, (well three of them anyway), Robert, Brandi, and Sherri, (who seem like relatives to us), to say "hi". They only stayed a few minutes though. Teri has Trinity and Mariah with her also. Mariah, the baby, is a Daniels, so we are pretty sure that Mariah's daddy is a relative of Rich's, so therefore she is a real relative of LaShane and Cherokee's. Teri has the prettiest children! We just love them all, and Michelle is their godmother, too. So, that makes them even more like relatives. The three middle girls' grandmother is Barry Bonds'(of baseball fame), aunt. (Teri has another darling little girl, Tiffany. She is with JESUS now, as she was taken to HIM by an automobile mishap a few years ago). I don't like baseball, but it is an interesting fact, isn't it? We cared for their mother, (and their other grandmother, Donna), before we even knew that they were related to Barry, so that piece of intelligence, didn't even figure into the equation. Matter of fact, my family grew up with Bobby Bonds, and the rest of the Bonds family, Robert, Rosie, David, in all of our home town. I also went to school with Barry's mom, Pat. Those things are regular happenings, if you live in my home town. Dusty Baker (also a ball player) went to school with some of us too.
We are not celebrity hounds, in my household. People are just people. You know?
Now, if I had grown up with someone like, ummmmmmmmmm, Vin Diesel? Brad Pitt? Different story. Just kidding. they would just be " hi, Hunk", instead of "hi, Mr. Hunk", in any case. :) Anyway, what I started to talk about was, movies. I want to see so many of them. All of them really. If possible, I would like to see every movie Mickey Rourke ever made! I want to see every new movie that is out now. Aviator, Finding Neverland, Million Dollar Baby, Fat Albert, and on, and on, and on. I like my own opinion better than anybodies I know! In fact, when any critic says a movie is junk, or crap. That makes me want to see it all the more. Critics are a cancer on the body of the movie industry! What do you listen to any of them for, (if you do)? You have a brain, you know what you like, and what you don't. How dare they try to make choices for us? I just want to know who pays them? I need a job like that! I watched Napoleon Dynamite, and I am still acting like him, some of the things he did were hi larious, I looked that kid up on IMDb (www.IMDb.com), and he so didn't look at all like his character in that movie! I saw this movie one morning, "TwinFalls Idaho", it was weird, but I really liked it. These twin brothers, (I have a thing for twins, you know), con-joined twins, fall in love with one girl, one twin is weak, and one is strong, and the ending is a tear-jerker! Mark and Michael Polish are good actors, and they aren't con-joined, just twins, very cute, too. I also like strange and quirky scifi movies like, "The Day the World Ended", where this young boy thought that his father, (his "real" father that is, Randy Quaid played his earth father), was an alien? Cool, huh? Except that the alien that came to earth was a face eating monster!!! Usually when I have the choice between a comedy or an odd quirky or scifi, movie? It is odd, quirky or scifi, movie everytime! Man, it is only 12:30am, but I am wiped out! I am going to go to bed and watch some movies. Fact is, I don't feel too good today, and sitting up is torture right now. So, I'm signing off for now. Remember, "tomorrow never comes, because when it gets light again, it's always today". Please wake up and do something good for someone, even if it is yourself.
~~~~~~~~~~Pamela~~~~~~~~~~~ |
sat down to play at 12:02 AM
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