<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Sunday, February 20, 2005

Read MATTHEW. 24: (The whole chapter).
Part of this scripture tells of rumors of war, and pestilance, plagues, all sorts of nasty stuff! This story caught my eye, on MSN.com news site.
THOUSANDS FLEE AS PLAUGE KILLS HUNDREDS IN CONGO. Nothing much just a highly contagious disease, spreading among mine workers in the far off land of Africa. Nothing for us over here in the Great Land of America, to worry our safe little heads about, right? One never knows. This has been going on for at least two months. The WHO, World Health Organization is just now, (this weekend) dispatching a team of people/experts, to try and contain the spread of the disease. Wonderful news, right? Of course it is. They didn't even have to tell us, except that of the 7,000 workers in the mine, (located in Zobia, which is located 186 miles north of Kisagani, the third largest city in the Congo), many had already fled the work place.
They are though asking around to various hospitals to alert them if anyone comes into their care with a highly contagious illness.
So, it would seem that they are "right on top", of it! Kisangani is also a major trading center, right on the Congo river. We'll pray that none of the infected workers made it that far though. This is just something we will have to learn to live with hearing in the news. "Wars, rumors of wars. Pestilance, plauges. Earthquakes, in diverse places". These are said to be, "the beginning of birth pains". Not quite the end of the world, as we know it, but more or less, the beginning of the end of the world as we have heretofore known it. I thank GOD, that I know that the only way we can be secure in the days ahead is to have accepted JESUS the CHRIST, as my own personal SAVIOR and LORD. HE told us over and over, "HE is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE". HE is the LIGHT of the world. Amen. The things that have been happening lately have been horrible, and they have happened to christians, as well as to those who aren't. You have to know, just becoming christian doesn't keep you from the same troubles as the rest of the world. It just let's you know that when all the troubles are over there will still be somewhere for us all to be. That there will be LIFE after this life. I know, because I have read it with my own eyes, that unto every living human there is death to face, and after that death, still comes a judgement. Some to everlasting life, and some to a separation from that after life, which is GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT, in ONE. That is the awfulness of dying without having given your life to HIM WHOM will make those of us that have given our lives to HIM, live again. What JOY!! There will be no tears, no pain, no illness, none of the stressfilled events of this world, that make us the hurried, harried, unfulfilled, angry, inhumane, sad, murderous, depressed, people that we look into the mirror and see everyday on earth.
Even those people who see themselves and happy and without care, would do well to give their lives to "the ONLY SON of THE MOST HIGH GOD and CREATOR of Heaven and Earth, and all the UNIVERSE that is, to continue their blessed lives with HIM, without end. Infinity. I love the fact that I was allowed to even live to the age that I am, and to have had the beautiful, and even some of the painful experiences that I have had. I wouldn't have realised that I needed a SAVIOR, without them. Now, as I still am able to look around and see the events that are unfolding right now, at this time in history. I shake my head in awe, that every intelligent human being living, that is capable of understanding the everyday news, in each and every country around the world, isn't running towards salvation with every bit of energy in their bodies! It's like reaching to pick up a glowing white hot ember, with the completly mistaken idea that it would not burn, because you DO NOT believe that it IS hot! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!! People, the beginning of the end, of the world as we have known it, is here. Not because of a few incidences of events, happening in far and widely separated places. It is just time. Because the 6,000 years is almost up.
sat down to play at 9:37 PM


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