<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Friday, February 25, 2005

52. GOD'S spirit can't always strive with man. Read: Genesis. 6:3.
53. GOD can't deal with us according to our sin. Read: Psalm. 103:10-11.
54. GOD can't be lost. Read: St. John 14:6.
55. GOD can't make a mistake. Read: Psalm. 119:75.
56. GOD can't let you down. Read: Jude. 1:24-25.
57. GOD can't be left without a witness. Read: I Kings. 19:18.
58. GOD can't give imperfect gifts. Read: James. 1:17.
59. GOD'S power can't be stopped. Read: Daniel. 4:35.
60. GOD'S WORD can't change. Read: Psalm 119:89.
61. GOD can't lose. Read: Psalm. 98:1.
62. GOD'S Kingdom can't be destroyed. Read: Psalm. 145:13.
63. GOD can't be unforgiving to those who ask for forgiveness. Read: I John. 1:9.
64. GOD can't stop thinking about me. Read: Psalm. 139:17-18.
65. GOD'S plan for my life can't be bad. Read: Jeremiah. 29:11.
66. GOD can't break a promise. Read: Psalm. 89:34.
67. GOD can't make junk. Read: Genesis. 1:31.
68. GOD can't be impotent. Read: Revelation. 19:6.
69. GOD can't be selfish. Read: Romans. 8:32.
70. GOD can't be dispassionate. Read. Lamentations. 3:22.
71. GOD can't accept sacrifices when HE asks for obedience. Read: I Samuel. 15:22.
72. GOD can't be the author of confusion. Read: I Corinthians. 14:33.
73. GOD can't be un-holy. Read: Isaiah. 6:3.
74. GOD'S church can't be defeated. Read: Matthew. 16:18.
75. GOD can't be unfruitful. Read: St. John. 15:5.
76. GOD can't be surprised. Read: Job. 23:10.
77. GOD can't accept less than my whole heart. Read: Deuteronomy. 6:5.
78. GOD can't be worshipped enough for who HE is. Read: Revelations. 4:8.
79. GOD can't be surpassed. Read: Isaiah. 44:6.
80. GOD can't be overthrown. Read: Isaiah. 9:7.
81. GOD can't be overruled. Read: Psalm. 119:90-91.
82. GOD can't be matched. Read: Psalm. 89:6.
83. GOD can't be pleased without faith. Read: Hebrews. 11:6.
84. GOD can't be fooled. Read: Hebrews. 4:12.
85. GOD'S righteousness can't end. Read: Psalm. 119:142.
86. GOD'S burdens can't be heavy. Read: Matthew. 11:30.
87. GOD can't let HIS people's prayers go unanswered. Read: II Chronicles. 7:14.
88. GOD can't ask you to do something HE can't do. Read: Philippians. 2:13.
89. GOD can't be counselled. Read: Romans. 11:34.
90. GOD can't be unfaithful. Read: Lamentations. 3:23.
91. GOD can't be figured out. Read: Ecclesiastes. 11:5.
92. GOD'S salvation can't be earned. Read. Ephesians. 2:8-9.
93. GOD can't be given less than all of me. Read: Romans. 12:1.
94. GOD can't be superseded. Read: Colossians. 1:17.
95. GOD can't be less than gracious. Read: Psalm. 145:8.
96. GOD can't be impressed. Read. Isaiah. 64:6.
97. GOD cn't be insufficient. Read. Ephesians. 3:20.
98. GOD can't be blamed if we don't make it to heaven. Read: Hebrews. 2:3.
99. GOD can't take no for an answer. Read: Jonah. 1:17.
100. GOD can't fail. Read: Deuteronomy. 31:6.
101. GOD can't be praised enough.

Praise ye the LORD. Praise GOD in HIS snnctuary, praise HIM in the firmament of HIS power.
Praise HIM for HIS mighty acts: praise HIM according to HIS excellent greatness.
Praise HIM with the sound of the trumpet: praise HIM with the psaltery and harp.
Praise HIM with the timbrel and dance: praise HIM with stringed insturments and organs.
Praise HIM upon the loud cymbals: praise HIM upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.
Praise ye the LORD!! Amen. Psalm. 150.
sat down to play at 11:40 PM


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age: 57

profile: 6071684

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