<Globaldust Fan Locations for Mickey Rourke Thursday, January 20, 2005

Tonight, the "crew" is up, or rather over at "Plush". This is Ann and Geno's place. (there they all call him Gil, you know, 'Gil' is my daddy and my brother, and two of my nephew's name, so my son is nicknamed, GENO)!!! Anyway, they have this awesome cafe, and on thursday nights we, (that's Cherokee, Michelle, Charlene and I, and tonight our friend, Teri Flatt), go over there and "run the place", so that Ann (okay, and Geno), can get a break. That night there is an open mic, and there is usually a 'showing' of someone's art up on the walls, also!!! It's great. We have alot of fun there, well I do, 'cause I don't do anything but "meet and greet", you know, like I'm a hostess? One night, Cherokee coerced me into "taking and order", and I got totally parinoid, or should I say "postal"? Yeah, postal. It was just a friend, named Jasmin, so I don't know why I got so nervous!!!Right now, they are in the process of renovating the place, adding a "real", kitchen in the cafe! The way we usually do it is, they just have microwaveable entrees, and soups, along with various sandwiches, chips, snacks, and gum. Plush also has many different types of drinks. House specialities, coffees, smoothies, along with bottled water, sodas, Sobe, beer (many kinds of beer), and wine, no hard liquor, but, some Smirinoff Ice, is that considered, "Hard"? I don't know, I drink it sometimes, but I don't taste any hard stuff. Anyway, there are quite a few regulars, that come for the open Mic, mostly college aged patrons, they are poets and singers, musicians, and comedians, oh yeah, there is a "two drink" minimum, only on open Mic night though. That is nominal, tho', since there are so many choices, most of the customers drink more than two anyway! My favorite drink there, is a "Strawberry Steamer", it's HOT, thich like a milkshake, and so tasty and creamy. Ummmmm.. The coffee Ann and Geno serve there is delicious too. The whole atmosphere is great, and I'm not just saying that 'cause they are my son, and daughter-in-law, either! I just wish that all of you could be here partying, and having fun with us! p.s. For a peek at Plush, just click on the link on this page. To see how Geno designed it, (he IS a graphic designer, by the way), from the ground-up, click on Gildesign, and have a look around there. Enjoy!
sat down to play at 8:39 PM


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name: Pamela

age: 57

profile: 6071684

comments: SPEAK TO ME

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Plush Cafe


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JOHN 3:16


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